This patient was unhappy with the colour of her teeth and wanted to have her two front teeth repaired.
Treatment: Tooth whitening and cosmetic bonding on the upper two front tooth.
Duration of treatment: Tooth whitening for two weeks. Two weeks after: 1 visit for cosmetic bonding. Appointment time for bonding 2hrs.
Cost of treatment: Tooth whitening €205, Cosmetic Bonding €682
Dentist: Dr. Nick Beirne
There was no local aesthetic was needed for this treatment.
Results: Patients teeth are a very natural and beautiful shade of white, the cosmetic bonding literally transformed her two front teeth and as a result her smile.
For more information and before/after cosmetic bonding pictures see here.
To book an appointment with Dr. Beirne you can book online here or alternatively contact us on T: 01 4542022